Our Services

We will discuss the requirements of your client and tailor the right solution for them.


Complete Preliminary Assessment

We can provide you with a preliminary assessment in a short form report so that your client is ready to negotiate a settlement, while preserving our independence as an expert.


Joint expert report

When the Court has determined you need to appoint a joint (or single) expert, we have the experience and skills to calmly work through the information and provide a reliable opinion for your clients.


Expert Report and Expert Evidence

Where you are unable to negotiate an outcome for your client, we have the experience to prepare an independent expert report and have appeared as an expert witness in all jurisdictions.


Review another Report

So you’ve received an expert report and you’re not sure whether it’s right. We can complete a review of the report and provide you with a preliminary opinion so you can make sure you take the next steps with confidence.

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Assist as a shadow (or dirty) Expert

Depending on the term you use, you may be thinking of a forensic accountant hiding in the shadows or mountain biker riding in the middle of winter. As a shadow (or dirty) expert we can become part of the legal team and assist you to present the facts so your client can achieve the best outcome.